HEI Schools Teacher Diploma Learning Objectives
HEI Schools Teacher Diploma is an online teacher training course designed for early educators anywhere in the world. The course content offers a holistic view into Finnish early childhood education and play-based pedagogy. The program consists of 10 modules. You can read more about the learning objectives for each module below.

I’ve been looking for a teacher’s training program for years now. I decided to enroll in HEI Schools’ international teacher training program to develop myself in a deeper understanding of the Finnish play-based pedagogy, and never in my entire career have I experienced this way of training.

ECE Teacher, Vietnam

Module 1: How Children Learn
During this module, you will gain necessary knowledge on the overall development of ECE aged children and deepen your understanding of the factors affecting it. You will build up a holistic view on how to support the development of young children through various pedagogical practices. You will understand the importance of balancing care, a child’s sense of autonomy and the importance of pedagogical adventures and conscious pedagogical risks. You will learn how to observe, identify and document a child’s developmental steps. You understand the meaning and importance of socio-emotional development and the importance of peer relationships for young children’s development and learning.
Having a general understanding or experiences in following young children’s basic development between the ages 0 and 7 helps to put the contents of this module into a real-life context.
This module includes four small assignments in which you try out in practice, small activities relating to the contents.

Module 2: Child Observation, Documentation and Evaluation
During this module, you will focus on observation areas, methods and tools and documentation practises and the significance of self-evaluation guiding a teacher’s pedagogical and professional actions.
The base skills and knowledge required in this module is having a basic knowledge and understanding of your local evaluation practices concerning early childhood education.
This module includes three small assignments. One of the assignments is a case study assignment in which we offer you a case you need to reflect on. Other assignments are reflective assignments related to the contents of the module.

Module 3: Play and Learning
During this module you will learn the basics of what is play and it’s theoretical meanings. You will learn about the development of play among early education aged children and get to explore why play is so important for young children and their learning. During the module you will learn what the teacher's role in play is and how teachers participate, enrich and model play in multiple ways. In this module you will learn what are the possibilities of playful activities in an early childhood environment. You will search for new ways of utilising play in daily activities to support the learning and development of children at its best.
Having a general understanding or experiences in following young children’s play helps to put the contents of this module into a real-life context.
This module includes three assignments in which you will observe play and reflect your thoughts regarding the contents of the module.

Module 4: Children's Rights
In Module 4 you will deepen your understanding of what are Children’s Rights defined by the United Nations and how early childhood settings are organized, keeping these principles in mind. You will learn about social sustainability and the importance of global awareness and how to develop ways to support child protection and children's participation and active role in your local early learning setting.
When taking this module, you are expected to reflect on your work as a teacher in some of the assignments. Therefore some experiences from teaching are beneficial in this module.
This module includes three assignments. One assignment is a planning assignment and in others you reflect your thoughts regarding the contents of the module.

Module 5: Learning Areas and Transversal Skills
In this module you gain basic understanding and importance of transversal skills in Finnish early childhood education curriculum. Transversal areas consist of ‘Thinking and learning’, ‘Taking care of oneself and managing daily life’, ‘Cultural competence’, Interaction and self-expression’, ‘Multiliteracy and competence in information and communication technology’ and ‘Participation and involvement’. You will deepen your understanding of the importance and meaning of these areas for children’s life-long learning.
In this module one of the assignments requires you to reflect on your local curriculum. Being familiar with local curricula helps you to accomplish the assignment. Other reflective assignments relate closely to the day-to-day life of early learning settings. Therefore some current or previous experiences from teaching are beneficial in this module.
This module includes three assignments. One of the assignments is a planning assignment and in others you reflect your thoughts regarding the contents of the module.

Module 6: Inquiry-based Learning
In Module 6 you will learn what is inquiry based learning in Finnish early childhood education and how to conduct inquiry based learning methods with young children. During this module you will deepen your understanding of how to do inquiry based projects with young children by following the FInnish early childhood education guidelines in project implementation.
This module includes two assignments in which you plan activities. Therefore some current or previous experiences from teaching are beneficial in this module and support you in accomplishing the assignments.

Module 7: Inclusion, Diversity and Special Needs
In Module 7 you will learn about inclusion and special education in the Finnish early childhood education context. During this module you learn how to recognize and understand diversity in early childhood education contexts as well as in society at large. You will become familiar with the key concepts and terminology used when discussing inclusion and special needs. You get familiar with different working methods that promote the inclusion of all children and support young learners in need. You will gain understanding on how to recognize the needs for support as you explore some basic characteristics of the most common special educational needs among young learners.
This module includes two assignments. In the second assignment you describe a child with special needs. Therefore some current or previous experiences from teaching or being around children is beneficial.

Module 8: Pedagogical Planning
You will gain basic understanding of what is pedagogical planning in the Finnish early childhood education context and what are the variables affecting teachers’ pedagogical thinking and planning. In this module you deepen your understanding on how to incorporate child and family participation, the curriculum framework, taking local possibilities into consideration when conducting long and short-term pedagogical planning.
In this module you benefit from prior knowledge regarding your own local curriculum.
This module includes three assignments. One of the assignments is a planning assignment and in others you reflect your thoughts regarding the contents of the module.

Module 9: Working with Families
In this module you will gain basic knowledge on the diversity of families and how to encounter different family types in the early learning context. During this module you will strengthen your competence and skills in how to collaborate with diverse families. You will learn about the common challenges in collaborating with families and gain knowledge on the best practises and find strategies to overcome these.
In this module you benefit from prior experiences of collaborating with local parents and families.
This module includes three reflective assignments.

Module 10: Teacher's Professional Development
In this module you will familiarize yourself with the importance of continuous professional development and how professional development takes place in Finnish early childhood education context. You will learn about reflective practice and how to develop yourself professionally through critical but constructive reflection. In this module you get support in planning your own professional growth and next steps in your career. You will find methods of how to learn collaboratively with your colleagues and how to get inspired by being an early years professional.
As this module relates closely to professional development, it is most beneficial to a current teacher but is considered helpful also for a person considering an occupation in the field of early childhood education.
This module includes three reflective and self-evaluating assignments.
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