Children and Digital Technology
Can schools and kindergartens do something to prepare children for interacting with and in the digital world? We will discuss the key technologies that children interact with, media education and what kind of skills children need to be able to navigate online environments.
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How to Discuss Difficult Topics with Children
With global events and life’s daily challenges affecting people of all ages, having difficult discussions with children is inevitable. In this webinar, HEI Schools co-founder and professor Lasse Lipponen from the University of Helsinki shares his ideas about how to discuss difficult topics with children.
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From Zero to Hero! Why Teaching Toddlers is Important
Join our HEI Schools pedagogues and a university researcher for a panel discussion about education for children ages 0-3 years old: what it is, why it's important and how to ensure high-quality care in the learning center setting.
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Teacher Time: Exploring Teacher Identity and Development
Join our HEI Schools pedagogues, Paula Hoppu and Ella Tieaho, to learn best practices of working in a multi-professional team and ways to develop a strong professional identity at any level of experience.
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Get Your Math Glasses On! Learning Math Skills in ECE
Mathematical skills develop early in young children, and there are several ways to encourage them. Special guest Professor Minna Hannula-Sormunen from the University of Turku shares her research and practical examples for the classroom.
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Who Let The Pedagogues Out? Exploring Outdoor Pedagogy
Outdoor pedagogy is becoming increasingly popular these days, and we dive into the topic in this webinar. Two of our HEI Schools pedagogical experts share practical examples for the classroom and discuss their own research in this field.
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Play-based STEAM Education in the Early Years with Kide Science
Pedagogical experts from Kide Science and HEI Schools discuss STEAM and how to harness children's natural creativity and imagination in STEAM education. They share some example activities, conduct a science experiment and answer participants' questions.
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Facts & Myths about Finnish Education with Pasi Sahlberg
Pasi Sahlberg, a Finnish educator, author, policymaker and expert in education, advises schools around the world and published six books about the subject. He joins us to address common facts & myths about Finnish education.
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Special needs and Inclusion
Researcher Noora Heiskanen from the University of Eastern Finland and Professor Lasse Lipponen from the University of Helsinki discuss how inclusion works in Finnish early education. They also share ways to to put it into practice in the classroom.
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Finnish early education in practice
HEI Schools professionals and mothers Anna-Maija Kuokkanen, Tiina Daifi and Imelda Halim discuss practical implementation and personal observations about Finnish play-based pedagogy and education in other countries.
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Affective Pedagogical Relationships for Infant-Toddlers (0-3 years old)
Infant-toddler pedagogical experts, Dr. Gloria Quiñones from Monash University in Australia and Professor Lasse Lipponen from the University of Helsinki in Finland, discuss pedagogy for children ages 0 to 3 years old in practice.
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Finnish Early Childhood Education in the Southeast Asian Context
Anna Korpi, Counsellor of Education and Science at the Finnish Embassy in Singapore, and Professor Lasse Lipponen from the University of Helsinki compare Finland and Southeast Asia in terms of educational culture and ECE practices.
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Hybrid Learning with Play-based Pedagogy
Marja-Sisko Pohjola, an experienced online & hybrid model educator from Finland, presents practical tips & experiences about how to teach children online with the Finnish play-based model. Marja-Sisko has 18 years of experience with early years pedagogy and teaching in both Finland and the UAE.
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Empathy and Compassion in Early Childhood Education
Professor Lasse Lipponen from the University of Helsinki discusses the importance of empathy and compassion in early childhood education. He shares research-based theory and perspectives, as well as practical examples.
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Jaakko Skantsi, Counsellor of Education & Science at the Finnish Embassy in Abu Dhabi, Dr. Rachel Takriti from UAE University, and Professor Lasse Lipponen from the University of Helsinki discuss assessment in Finnish early education.
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Introduction to Learning Center
In this bi-weekly webinar we explain what is required, and how to license the HEI Schools Learning center concept that includes everything from the HEI Schools brand, space design, teacher training, research-based curriculum, global community and more.
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Introduction to Toolkit digital curriculum
An introduction to our digital curriculum. If you are looking for a Finnish play-based curriculum that is easy to implement, can save your teachers’ time, standardize the quality of teaching and make your school stand out, this is the solution for you.
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Introduction to Teacher Diploma
An overview of our 100% online, self-paced teacher certification program. The course is suitable for any educator or parent who wishes to be certified in Finnish pedagogy, develop their knowledge & teaching skills, and learn more about play-based methods.
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Implementing the Toolkit in practice
This bi-weekly webinar is meant for those who are already subscribers of the Toolkit curriculum program or have attended the Introductory Toolkit webinar. In this session our experts dive deeper into the practical implementation of the digital curriculum.
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