Your Child's Learning Experience
HEI Schools uses a holistic approach, paying close attention to children's social-emotional, physical, creative and cognitive growth and character development. Our early education curriculum supports children being the active agents in their own learning and development. We inspire them to think with creativity, compassion and resourcefulness. By empowering children with the ability to ask questions, instead of giving them answers, we instill the love of learning and discovery.
Learning Happens Everywhere
Children are learning every moment of the day, whether it’s putting on your own shoes; pouring yourself a drink or learning about science through a hands-on science project. The teacher’s role is to enhance this situational learning.
Children learn while they play
Children do not play so that they can learn, but rather they learn while they play. There are various forms and levels of play and a professional teacher knows how to foster play with countless possibilities for children to learn. Play-based learning can happen through more organized activities or through free play, where the teacher’s role is to guide, document, and participate to enhance learning. More academic areas also benefit from play based learning methods, such as science, maths and linguistic skills.
Learning by exploring
Children also learn through guided experimentation, and this is achieved by doing projects. The term “project-based learning” is part of our educational approach and involves a collaborative effort between children and teachers. The project exploration can be done in a small group, or with the whole class. Teachers draw inspiration from thoughtfully designed materials and will select a suitable project that fits the children’s developmental age, whatever the topic that is currently being explored.
A day at HEI Schools

What children will learn at HEI Schools

Exploring and interacting with the world
We support the development of children’s linguistic and mathematical skills and strengthen children’s relationship with nature and the environment through science and environmental education.

Understanding the world we live in
We support children in understanding the diversity in their local community, as well as the practices that activate respect for diversity. We support children’s growth as conscious human beings and help them to understand what it means to be an ethically responsible member of society.

Learning forms of expression
We familiarize them with different art forms and their cultural heritage. We offer children opportunities to express themselves through musical activities, visual arts/crafts and bodily/verbal expression.

Practicing a healty way of living
We focus on building a strong foundation for a healthy way of living which consists of physical activity, nutrition, rest, self-care and care of others. This learning area supports other learning areas and helps children manage their daily life and routines.
The Learning Environment

Inspiring and highly-trained teachers
Our teachers look at the world through the child's perspective because each one learns in different ways and at a different pace. At HEI Schools we provide teachers with tools and guidance to accommodate a child’s natural curiosity and to fully support each child.
We highly value our teachers and recognize them as educators whose role is very influential in child’s learning. HEI Schools trains its teachers thoroughly and offers continuous training and ability to be part of a global HEI teacher community.
Learn about the Teacher Diploma
Safe havens for learning
Research shows that your physical surroundings can impact your behavior, thoughts, emotions and well-being. Because children learn with all five senses, our schools need to be more than just functional spaces. Our creative learning spaces are specifically designed to support our curriculum and daily activities, providing children with a safe, calm and stress-free learning environment.
HEI Schools Design
Rich language environment
The English language in HEI Schools is taught by using two languages together throughout instruction, their native language and English. This method is widely recognized all over the world as an effective way for children to learn another language.

Mixed age groups
At our schools, children have the right to learn and develop individually and in group settings. We provide children with opportunities to learn interaction skills and social norms within a group of peers. It is crucial for children to learn how to consider others while building their foundation skills for life.

HEI Schools has a large space and does not force students to be stuck in small classrooms with just a few peers. I like how my daughter has the opportunity to interact with older and younger children as she is an only child in our family.
Mother of Lily (4yo), Seongbuk, Korea