HEI Schools Wins 2 Gold Awards and a Grand Prix at “Vuoden Huiput – Best Finnish Creative Design” Competition

HEI Schools, with an international concept in early childhood education, was awarded two Gold Awards (Best Product and Best Service) and the Grand Prix prize of the whole competition at Vuoden Huiput (vuodenhuiput.fi), an annual Finnish design competition that awards the best creative concepts in the whole country.
HEI Schools stood out positively with its fresh, carefully designed, professional approach. In addition, HEI Schools has a brilliant and an innovative idea behind the concept, the goal to provide high-quality early childhood education to as many children in the world as possible.

“Building a service design concept based on the Finnish early childhood education and research is already a powerful idea, but the careful and well-executed service design and the distinctive concept makes it especially inspiring”, says the head of the jury Samu-Jussi Koski (samuji.com).

“At HEI Schools, two important aspects are always present: the research-based pedagogy and detailed design. Whether we are planning our teacher training, furniture, learning materials or the school cafeteria, we always look things through these aspects. We are extremely proud and happy that our integrity has also been recognized by design professionals in the form of prestigious awards”, explains HEI Schools’ Design Director Anne Rusanen.